Pelican Park is celebrating 20 years!

16 Nov 2023
Aquatics, Health & Fitness, Venue Discover, Gym, Health & Fitness, Health & Wellness, Learn to Swim, Personal Training, Swimming Lessons, Things To See & Do, Wellness

Celebrate 20 years with us at Pelican Park Recreation Centre from Saturday 2 December with celebrations across the week!


Community Celebration

Date: Sunday 3 December

Time: 12pm - 4pm

There is something for everyone at our community celebration including a visit from Marianna the Mermaid, group fitness classes, CONNECT30, pool games, DJ, competitions & more!

All activities and classes during the community celebration will be FREE to members and guests.


The celebrations and fun continues through the first week of December!

Saturday 2 December
Gym Challenges

1 minute on the rower - how far can you go?
Plank - how long can you hold it?
1000 reps - how long will it take you?

Open to ages 16 years & over
No bookings required

Saturday 2 December to Friday 8 December
GOswim Water Safety Week
GOswim students will participate in fun, water safety activities during their weekly lesson.

Sunday 3 December
Community Celebration

Monday 4 December to Friday 8 December
Free Hearing Checks with Hearing Australia

Monday, 10am - 3pm. Hearing Bus will be parked outside Pelican Park
Tuesday to Friday, 12pm - 4.30pm. Located in multipurpose studio

To book, visit our reception or call us on 1300 850 197.

Tuesday 5 December
Free Dental Checks with Peninsula Health
From 12pm
No bookings required

Wednesday 6 December
Free Diabetes Risk Screens with Peninsula Health
1pm - 4pm
No bookings required

Thursday 7 December
A night with Carly Taylor, 7pm - 8.30pm
Learn skills to help manage our negative, self-defeating minds that often stop us from living the life we want!

1 hour presentation, following by a half an hour roaming Q&A with light refreshments.
Free for everyone. Register to attend here.

Friday 8 December
GOswim Carnival Night
Free for all children aged 5 years & over
To register, click here.

Saturday 9 December
Aqua Mega Class, 12pm
Christmas Themed Class

Free for anyone aged 12 years and over.
Bookings are now open via Active World.

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