Personal Training

Personal Training to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals

We have a range of personal trainers who specialise in an array of different areas including general fitness, weight loss, wellness, functional training, body building, rehabilitation and injury rehabilitation.  

Personal training is a premium fitness service that provides the most innovative and varied fitness offerings. Members can receive coaching from one of our fully trained and qualified personal trainers at any time.

Book a Personal Training Session  

For more information on our personal training services there is more information below . To express your interest and lock in your preferred consultation time, please complete an enquiry form on our contact page. 

What You Can Expect from Your Personal Trainer 

In each personal training session, you have the full attention of your personal trainer. Your fitness trainer will be 100% focused on assisting you in achieving the correct technique when performing each exercise. 

Our members also receive personal training programs tailored to their individual health and fitness requirements to drive your fitness results.

Be the Best Version of You

Create and achieve the goal YOU have always dreamed of.

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What Is The Cost Of Personal Training?


  Member Non-Member
30 mins, 1:1 $45.90 $50.50
60 mins, 1:1 $91.80 $101.00
3 x 30 Minute Starter (new clients only) $99.00 $99.00

Why You Should Consider Personal Training

If you're new to fitness or aren't quite sure what to do in the gym a personal trainer can provide you with the fitness knowledge you need to feel comfortable and confident. Personal training also works to fast track your fitness results whilst keeping you accountable for achieving your health and fitness goals. 

Personal training is great for members with specific fitness goals, such as sport specific training, rehab or members who have specific requirements. Like women with pre or post-natal needs as well as certain health conditions or disabilities.

Improve Your Fitness Knowledge

A personal trainer provides members with the most comprehensive support, guidance and more importantly, results! Through one on one sessions our trainers have the ability to ensure their clients move well. Assisting members in their everyday life whilst achieving the fitness goals they have set out to reach.

Not only does it physically have an impact on our members, our personal training services help improve our members knowledge of fitness and nutrition. Promoting change in their entire lifestyle whether it's within our centre or outside of it. 

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